(They drove recklessly, too!) And the note on Vance's gun speculating about the number of people he'd have killed. Or would have, if they hadn't preferred to shoplift, bounce checks, and steal gas. The story of Vikki & Vance, and the wide swath of crime and violence they cut across the United States.In case you haven't noticed, Gloria Van Graff is bald.

Three guesses whose quest that comes from.

If you have Rex in your party when around one of the dancing ladies outside the casino.This is a good idea, as if you talk to him there, he will tell you that sometimes the dam ''gets too big'' and he has to "shrink it down". The Dam's chief engineer puts him in charge of the largest console, which is also an intercom, so Fantastic wouldn't mess up anything valuable. And if you complete the quest in favour of NCR, Fantastic gets a promotion and is moved to Hoover Dam.Talk to certain NPCs and you discover that the machine Fantastic is messing with was actually the intercom.Then again, Fantastic was able to murder somebody, which is funny in and of itself. Becomes a touch less funny when you realize he murdered Ignacio Rivas.Talk to him and he says, "Hey, man, when in Rome." This one is a little hard to find, but if you help the Legion take over the solar power plant, Fantastic will have assimilated and is wearing a Legionnaire's armor.Courier: Me take your job cause me smarter.įantastic: Ahh, shit man! You're direct, you're no nonsense! How am I supposed to compete with that?!