In his honor, they were known as the Toa Mata, six Toa warriors. The chosen guardians of the Great Spirit Mata Nui, destined to awaken him if he would ever fall. The Toa are still in operation today, even with Makuta's takeover of the Universe. She was banished to the Pit, and died in that place. She came close to succeeding, and was narrowly stopped by Toa Nidhiki. She was corrupted by an artifact from her homeland, the Nui Stone, and wished to use its power to rule the universe. Another traitorous Toa was Tuyet, a Toa of Water. He was later mutated into an insectoid being who served the Dark Hunters. Toa Nidhiki betrayed Metru Nui to the Dark Hunters. Although Toa are, as a rule, heroes, there are some traitors to the code. Though most Toa were once Matoran, it is known that the Toa Mata and Helryx came into being as Toa.

Though she exhibited most of the traits of a Toa of Water, she had a temper and could be stubborn. The first ever Toa was Helryx, a Toa of Water. Toa have been around for most of the universe's existence. Currently, after Matoro's death and Toa Krakua's existence in the story, and with Tuyet's revival, the number remains 57. The Toa Hagah have since returned to active service, raising this number to 57. There were once as many as 3,000 Toa in existence, but as of the time of the Toa Inika their numbers are down to 50.

As the Bionicle universe is based around a line of action figures, most Toa have appeared in their action figure. Each Toa has near-complete control over their element, and can access the powers of the more powerful Great Kanohi Masks. They usually work together in teams, with one member representing an elements, although they do not always agree with each other. It is Toa who defend the Matoran when they cannot defend themselves. In the fictional Bionicle universe certain Matoran (workers and villagers) are destined to become Toa heroic warriors of great strength and power.