Fallout new vegas perk
Fallout new vegas perk

  • Counterfeit Cash: Dubious Craftsman allows you to craft NCR banknotes from pre-war money, and Legion Denarii from scrap metal.
  • Persistent Manner: Gives critical hits with VATS when you target an enemy while he is reloading his weapon.
  • Merciless: Gives an higher critical chance if you shoot a fleeing enemy in ironsight/scope mode.
  • Bounty Hunter: The High Value Target trait makes you suffer random attacks from a squad of bounty hunters.
  • Then, once the survival skill reaches 50, you automatically unlock a Vanilla recipe which converts 5 dirty water bottles into 4 purified water bottles, entirely eliminating the perk's only drawback. Since empty bottles are very easy to find lying around and functional toilets aren't exactly hard to find, this adds up very quickly and makes trivially easy to get water in hardcore mode (even in non-hardcore mode, it provides a way to hoard healing items for free).
  • Boring, but Practical: Drink to Last! allows to convert most of the empty bottle-type items (minus the milk bottles) into bottles of dirty water when interacting with functional toilets (the ones you can drink in).
  • Toast to Victory: The companions receive a buff similar to the one given by alcohol during fights.
  • Too Drunk to Die: Increases you Damage Threshold when you’re drunk.
  • As a Ranger/former Ranger (the description text isn't very explicit), you start with +1 in Agility and a pretty powerful revolver but suffer from more damage from the various Raider factions.

    fallout new vegas perk

  • Blessed with Suck: The Ranger With a Big Iron trait.
  • fallout new vegas perk

  • Blasting It Out of Their Hands: First Thing First allows you to open a fight with this.
  • In F3 NPCs were on day/night cycles and they went to bed. I'd like to be able to kill people in their sleep without alerting people near by, only other way to do that is sneak with a silent weapon.and it is far riskier. If you originally took Sandman because you like to steal people's stuff, just do it the old fashioned way with a high Sneak skill.

    fallout new vegas perk

    Bighorners don't attack unless you get very close to them, so you're free to pick them off at a distance. If you took that perk because you wanted some free and easy XP, then you can always go hunting for Bighorners. It's not so much underpowered in New Vegas because certain NPCs hardly go to bed, it's underpowered because that's one less perk slot you have to work with when it comes to the bad guys and creatures who will always be awake and always hostile to you - such as raider encampments and wandering Deathclaws. Sandman has always been a novelty perk, even in FO3.

    Fallout new vegas perk